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Advanced Secrets To Whole Brain Power Coaching

 This is the closest thing to having Michael J. Lavery coach you in person

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     HERE'S WHAT YOU GET . . .

Advanced Insider Information.

Having Michael J. Lavery's Whole Brain Power book and being instructed on how to do the exercises of the Whole Brain Power Workbook and Progress Journal are wonderful tools in themselves.  However, there is no replacement to having direct access to Lavery in the form of detailed audio explanations of the many facets of Whole Brain Power.

Your advanced WBP coaching will be the closest thing to having Michael J. Lavery in person helping you learn and benefit from the "insider secrets" of his brain training system.  It would be virtually impossible to share within the confines of his Whole Brain Power book the findings that he has accumulated over a lifetime of research.  The unabridged theory of Whole Brain Power would demand at least 2500 pages in a series of books.

You having personal access to Lavery can make all the difference in the world in comprehending the complexities of the brain.  You will be enlightened by the information provided enabling you to understand one of the greatest mysteries in the known universe, that being the working mechanics of the human brain and how to tap into its full potential.

Instead, we are providing this information in the form of intimate audio interviews, video demonstrations and detailed explanations on all of the aspects of the Whole Brain Power system as though you are being trained in a personal setting one on one with Coach Lavery.

That is why we are inspiring you to take the next step.

By having the complete package of materials which include the WBP books, the audio explanations and the video demonstrations, you will experience tremendous gains in the three major tenants of Whole Brain Power in the fastest time possible.

A benefit for Whole Brain Power students who have access to all of the "Advanced Secrets" to Whole Brain Power is that they do not misinterpret the information and implement their own system to only moderate success.  As you receive personal instruction and execute the WBP system the proper way your learning rate accelerates especially because of the access to the audio and video demonstrations provided by Coach Lavery.

The last thing that we want for you to do is invest wasted hours with ineffective training. Some practitioners believe that they are executing the tenants of Whole Brain Power effectively, but this is often not the reality.

We will make sure that you are accessing the key ingredients for having immediate benefits in all of the aspects of your Whole Brain Power journey.

By having Coach Michael J. Lavery as your personal mentor in addition to the Whole Brain Power book and the WBP Workbook, you will be able to stay the course and become one of our top Whole Brain Power All Stars.

Michael J. Lavery and Michael Senoff have teamed up to produce and record many hours of information that will help you assimilate these materials on the mechanics of how the brain can be trained and its potential to be harnessed.

You are getting over 25 years of Lavery's experience and expertise about the "Advanced Secrets" of Whole Brain Power Coaching in these informative audio explanations and interviews.  The exciting part is that you will be regularly inspired and motivated by the new materials provided throughout the year.

This will allow you to have access to a constant steam of new information in regards to audio interviews and video demonstrations explaining all of the subtleties of Lavery's system.  This will empower you to understand, practice and perfect the WBP program.

Ask yourself this very fundamental question.  How much is your brain worth or that of a loved one or a family member or friend?  We believe that this could be the greatest investment that you could ever make in your future.

Once you have decided to order your Advanced Secrets to Whole Brain Power and once we receive your payment you'll be given directions to proceed.

You will immediately have direct access to start listening to your "Advanced Secrets" of Whole Brain Power Coaching and you will be sent a confidential profile to set up your 80 minute call with Coach Michael J. Lavery.

Order now

( We understand that you may already have the book and Workbook )

1. Whole Brain Power Book: The Fountain of Youth for the Mind and Body

Michael J. Lavery's theories about how large and small motor-skill development of both right and left hands are directly linked to development in the left and right hemispheres of the brain is revolutionizing our understanding of how best to train the brain.

The application of his theories and training methodologies are universal, including benefits for athletes seeking to supercharge their performance, for Baby Boomers wanting to reverse the aging process, and for retirees looking to rejuvenate their memory powers and regain an active lifestyle.

Learn how a dozen Whole Brain Power All-Star practitioners from the ages of fifteen to ninety-one have transformed their brains and bodies through Michael's simple ambidextrous skill training, penmanship drills, and memory drills.

Get ready to become part of the revolution in whole brain development in the 21st century.

- 304 page Book in PDF format

For the full description of this book click here.

2. Whole Brain Power: Workbook & Progress Journal

The Whole Brain Power Workbook & Progress Journal is the companion to the book Whole Brain Power: The Fountain of Youth for the Mind and Body.  This Workbook is the ideal training guide for practicing Whole Brain Power over the first 90-days of training.

It provides the critical information from the book in the three main training regimens, penmanship, memory and ambidexterity, but equally important, it provides daily training assignments, practice routines and skill tests.

This daily approach to guiding the Whole Brain Power practitioner to higher and higher levels of skill development and brain power is an essential tool to successfully master Whole Brain Power.

- 252 page Book in PDF format

For the full description of this book click here.

3. The Michael J. Lavery Story - An Introduction to The Whole Brain Power Coaching Methodology, Book and Workbook Progress Journal

- 60 minute audio

For the full description of this interview click here.

4. Ambidexterity: Secrets Revealed From The Ambidextrous Mind

- 60 minute audio

For the full description of this interview click here.

5. Penmanship: Secrets of The Mighty Pen

- 43 minute audio plus detailed demonstration video

For the full description of each interview click here.

6. ABC: Memorizing Your ABCs Backwards Using Chunking, Linking and Visual Awareness Right Brain Stories

- 66 minute audio plus detailed demonstration video

For the full description of each interview click here.

7. Vocabulary: How To Use An Enhanced Vocabulary To Grow Your Brain

- 47 minute audio plus detailed demonstration video

For the full description of each interview click here.

8. Powers of 2: Grow Your Brain's Processing Speed Reciting The Powers of 2

- 60 minute audio plus detailed demonstration video

For the full description of each interview click here.

9. New Research About your Brain And Exposure to Violent Video Games And Violent Hyper Edited Television and Movies

- 43 minute audio

For the full description 9 of each interview click here.

10. Live Coaching Session - Clayton Bretey

-  100 minute audio

For the full description of each interview  click here.

11. Live Coaching Session - John Collins: Shaking Off The Mental Cobwebs

-  95 minute audio

For the full description of each interview click here.

12. Live Coaching Session - John Collins One Week Into Whole Brain Power

- 43 minute audio

For the full description of each interview click here.

13. Give This Man 30 Minutes Of Your Time And You’ll Have The Most Powerful Brain Around

- 65 minute audio

For the full description of each interview click here.


14. You With a Push Button Memory: An Interview With Legendary Memory Expert Harry Lorayne

- 100 minute audio

For the full description of each interview click here.

15. Dean Brittenham World's Foremost Ambidexterity Trainer

- 47 minute audio

For the full description of each interview click here.


16. “I Felt Like I Could Run Forever”

- 18 minute audio

For the full description of each interview click here.


17. 45 Minute Recorded Coaching Session by Phone With Michael J. Lavery.

- 80  minute audio

For the full description of each interview click here.


18. 12 Months Access To the Whole Brain Power University

- 12 months

For the full description of each interview click here.


The Advanced Whole Brain Power Interview Series Detailed Descriptions Below

You'll be able to immediately access the Advanced Whole Brain Power Interview Series which includes:

 1) Whole Brain Power: The Fountain of Youth for the Mind and Body

Michael J. Lavery's theories about how large and small motor-skill development of both right and left hands is directly linked to development in the left and right hemispheres of the brain is revolutionizing our understanding of how best to train the brain.

The application of his theories and training methodologies are universal, including benefits for athletes seeking to supercharge their performance, for Baby Boomers wanting to reverse the aging process, and for retirees looking to rejuvenate their memory powers and regain an active lifestyle.

Learn how a dozen Whole Brain Power All-Star practitioners from the ages of fifteen to ninety-one have transformed their brains and bodies through Michael's simple ambidextrous skill training, penmanship drills, and memory drills.

Get ready to become part of the revolution in whole brain development in the 21st century.

- 304 page Book in PDF format


Foreword By Dr. Craig McQueen

Introduction The Whole Brain Power™ Paradigm

Chapter 1 - The Michael J. Lavery Story

Chapter 2 - The Blueprint for the Brain

Chapter 3 - Penmanship: Sharpen the Pen to Sharpen the Mind

Chapter 4 - Memory: Grow the Memory Grow the Brain

Chapter 5 - Ambidexterity And Whole Brain Power™

Chapter 6 - System Killers: Violent Video Games and Television

Chapter 7 - Case Studies: Whole Brain Power in Practice

Chapter 8 - Nutrition

Conclusion Perfecting Whole Brain Power™

Appendix Resources and References

Index Key Word References


2) Whole Brain Power: Workbook & Progress Journal

The Whole Brain Power Workbook & Progress Journal is the companion piece to the book Whole Brain Power: The Fountain of Youth for the Mind and Body. This Workbook is the ideal training guide for practicing Whole Brain Power over the first 90-days of training.

It provides the critical information from the book in the three main training regimens, penmanship, memory and ambidexterity, but equally important, it provides daily training assignments, practice routines and skill tests.

This daily approach to guiding the Whole Brain Power practitioner to higher and higher levels of skill development and brain power is an essential tool to successfully master Whole Brain Power.

- 252 page book in PDF format


Introduction - The Whole Brain Power™ Paradigm

Unit 1 - Penmanship: Sharpen the Pen to Sharpen the Mind

Unit 2 - Memory: Grow the Memory Grow the Brain

Unit 3 - Ambidexterity: And Whole Brain Power™

About the Authors


3) The Michael J. Lavery Story - An Introduction to The Whole Brain Power Coaching Methodology, Book and Workbook Progress Journal

The Whole Brain Power book and Workbook interview guide is a wonderful journey into the understanding of the theories and applications of Michael J. Lavery’s ground breaking discoveries. 

Follow along as Lavery explains the very beginnings of quest to tap into the Whole Brain Power model of harnessing human potential.  You will hear firsthand how Lavery makes the quantum jump in thinking to harness true ambidexterity with motor skills and cognitive functions as well. 

He will provide many references to the work by leading brain pioneers that supports the theory that the brain is way more plastic than ever perceived and that truly the hands do in fact grow the brain.

You will hear about the benefits of training at ambidextrous fine and gross motor controls as well as the success stories of the Whole Brain Power All Stars.  This interview and guide takes the listener through a fast track explanation on how to proceed with reading the Whole Brain Power book as well as how to approach the Whole Brain Power Workbook and Progress Journal. 

You will be encouraged to improve your hand to eye coordination with the penmanship training and the mirror writing skills as well as the hammer drill training.  You will also be inspired to tackle the memory exercises in the ways that you go through and highlight new terms and concepts. 

Lavery constantly reminds the listener to plow full speed ahead in being able to comprehend this challenging information and by doing so practitioners experience life changing results.  This interview truly helps people to stay engaged in the Whole Brain Power training and to do all of the recommended tenets in the program designed by Lavery. 

The explanation of the nutrition chapter truly must be appreciated for the information that Lavery shares with the Whole brain Power practitioner in regards to fueling the body and brain properly.  When you have listened to this interview in its entirety you will be convinced that the paradigm shift is the Whole Brain Power ambidextrous model to thinking and being.

- 60 minute audio

4) Ambidexterity: Secrets Revealed From The Ambidextrous Mind

This module is on the subject of ambidexterity by Michael J. Lavery. It's covers a key concepts as it relates to motor skills as well as cognitive power..

Most people think that ambidexterity equates to the equal use of the hands but this informative explanation discusses the harnessing of the whole body and the whole brain for greater coordination in movement and thought.

It is an inspiring interview that will have you thinking about retraining your brain and body. It content is applicable for you regardless of your age.

This subject of ambidexterity is covered extensively in Chapter 5 of the Whole Brain Power book,  however this interview truly reveals the secrets with you in regards to the manner in which you can tap into this wonder brain and body exercise.

Lavery discusses the way that many people have explored training themselves to become ambidextrous because of the nature of the right hand preference of the world. Many natural left handed people throughout history have learned to become right handed out of duress or because of necessity.

Lavery has pioneered a method that you can emulate and he discusses his methodologies in great detail.

Listen along as he covers the great minds in history that were notable ambidextrous thinkers. This interview also focuses on many athletic heroes that demonstrated tremendous ambidexterity in their sports throughout history.

After full review of this insightful interview you'll be inspired to begin the Whole Brain Power exercises that fully unleash your potential to tap into your ability to express greater motor skill coordination as well as whole brain function.

- 60 minute audio


5) Penmanship: Secrets of The Mighty Pen


The Penmanship interview by Michael J. Lavery is a very enlightening experience for anyone that has interest in improving their brain health and overall hand to eye coordination.

This insightful information will help you begin your journey into the mechanics that help rewire your brain on both hemispheres. The approach of Lavery is to share with you how the ambidextrous skills of writing with both hands and writing in the mirror image method using Leonardo Da Vinci style writing helps other types of motor skills associated with being an improved athlete.

The discipline of proper Palmer method penmanship is discussed and how its practice helps to raise your literacy capacity too. As you practice the penmanship training you'll see immediate improvements in aspects of your spelling and using grammatically correct English in your writing.

You've heard it the old saying . . . that if you want to remember something, then you should write it down. This implies that you should do it in cursive penmanship. The penmanship training will result in greater ramifications in your ability to improve your verbal communications in social and business settings.

The evidence is mounting from Whole Brain Power practitioners that their cursive can literally go from chicken scratch looking writing to beautiful penmanship in a matter of weeks. You'll learn how your brain’s motor strips are enhanced and how your myelin sheaths actually thicken as you master these skills. You'll also be educated on the changes in your brain chemistry that occur from the daily discipline of your dual handed writing exercises.

The benefits of this simple yet critical exercise are numerous. You'll experience an increased mood elevation, You'll begin to exhibit greater short term memory processing, You'll experience more calmness, greater sleeping patterns, elevated energy levels, and greater skills at written and verbal communications as well as a host of other factors.

Your new found skill allows for you to express your self in a greater manner in light of the fact that you have a new method to communicate to others. All of these benefits are yours and can be accessed through the use of old fashioned letter writing and cursive penmanship.

If you're in business, this gives you another means by which you can conduct executive related affairs.

Visit other Whole Brain Power practitioner interviews and hear for yourself how the power of the pen has changed their lives for the better.

- 43 minute audio


6) ABC: Memorizing Your ABCs Backwards Using Chunking, Linking and Visual Awareness Right Brain Stories

The training of the alphabet for Whole Brain Power Coaching is one in which the alphabet can be recited backwards from Z to A as fast as a person can recite it from A to Z.

Then, the practitioner uses the original awareness linking system designed by Lavery to accelerate this process in which he can be done for permanent retention. Then, the alphabet is learned from the ends to the middle in terms of 1-26-2-25-3-24.

So, as these systems are utilized by the practitioner, they’re able to take these acronyms or these symbols of the letters and hook them together and create a system in which one can now recite the alphabet from Z to A, from the ends to the middle and the middle out in record time.

You’ll hear how Lavery and other practitioners are demonstrating this unusual skill. This is accessible to anyone that practices Whole Brain Power.

The training of doing the alphabet exercises as designed by Lavery in Whole Brain Power Coaching is critical to establishing the foundation for improving all other aspects of memory training with the program.

- 66 minute audio


7) Vocabulary: How To Use An Enhanced Vocabulary To Grow Your Brain

The 5 syllable Vocabulary assignment is a fun interview as Michael J. Lavery shares his unique concepts on how to enhance one communications skills through vocabulary usage. The reason that Lavery chooses 5 syllable words throughout the alphabet is because he believes that these types of words add more variety and offer the practitioner a greater ability use more description in both one’s written as well as one’s spoken expression.

The assignments are quite simple to do. On a daily basis the Whole Brain Power practitioner uses the dictionary and begins to find words starting from the letter A that have 5 syllables. One becomes fascinated with these words and as one grows their list then a new game is introduced.

This one involves immediate access to the words that have 5 syllables throughout the alphabet. Then people challenge each other at being able to recall their vocabulary lists and to use short term memory prowess in not using your competitor’s words that are offered up in this game.

This type of active stress is allowing for the practitioner to experience greater use of their hippocampi structures as well as their frontal, temporal and parietal lobes on both hemispheres.

The method of using the skill of penmanship also comes into the equation and the brain gets a workout that amazes anyone who participates in this activity.

As you listen to this fascinating vocabulary game Lavery explains that because we as a society are very reliant on one word responses and overuse of monosyllabic words we are losing the skill of the art of communication. The vocabulary game then evolves into the Communications Game in which the Whole Brain Power practitioner is required to utilize his expanded vocabulary lists and to speak in proper English.

This requires that articulate and grammatically correct English is to be spoken. Lavery goes into detail about how it is necessary for the frontal lobes to be highly activated in order to think one’s thoughts thoroughly through and then articulate grammatically correct English. Listen to the way that he works with the moderator to coach him in the methods of raising the bar with communication skills.

- 47 minute audio


8) Powers of 2: Grow Your Brain's Processing Speed Reciting The Powers of 2

The Powers of 2 Interview is a fascinating journey into the powers of number crunching and the methods that make easy retrieval of the list accessible to trained Whole Brain Power Coaching practitioners.

The simple yet effective discipline to double numbers starting from 2 to the first power and move up into the billions, trillions and quadrillions helps to create a strong foundation for those that want to strengthen the hippocampi structures in the brain.

Michael J. Lavery explains his unique methods of creating a combination of rote memory as well as original awareness and linking systems that rely on the use of both hemispheres of the brain. Follow along as he brings the listener up the curve of the Powers of 2 and how he has trained others to take on this challenge.

Learn about the theory about Neuroplasticity and how this type of active stress actually enhances neurogenesis and steroidogenesis.

You will be impressed by the story of some of the Whole Brain Power Coaching All Stars that have taken on the challenge and taken these numbers into the stratosphere.

When this discipline is then combined with multitasking and doing hammer drill training or jugging the benefits are incredible in regards to increasing blood flow to the Central Nervous System

You will be able to impress yourself and family and friends with your new improved memory from this application of one of the Whole Brain Power Coaching tenets.

- 60 minute audio


9) New Research About your Brain And Exposure to Violent Video Games And Violent Hyper Edited Television and Movies

Violent video games and violent hyper edited television and movies are the nature of this intense interview by Michael J. Lavery. He explains his take on the research that he has done over the years to paint a disturbing picture for anyone that has a habit of partaking in this seemingly harmless activity.

This interview helps explain some of the information that the reader of the Whole Brain Power book will come across in the chapter entitled System Killers. The title is appropriate for as Lavery explains the evidence is mounting that violent hyper edited stimulus can have detrimental effects on the Central Nervous System.

He tells the story of Whole Brain Power practitioners that have taken on the challenge to move away from this addictive habit and to replace this time spent with tenets of the Whole Brain Power Coaching Methodology

Lavery explains the difference between passive stress of daily activities and that of passive stress from exposure to the modern form of media that is rampant in our daily lives. He delves into the concepts of artificially induced Alpha Waves and how the Passive stress of violent video game playing mimics the effects of what a person experiences with post traumatic stress syndrome.

Lavery describes the chemistry changes that occur in the brain from activating the Axis of Stress in an artificial manner. The explanation of the beta endorphin theory is fascinating as well as how memory processing can severely be compromised by the continued playing of violent video games as well as to the exposure to other forms of hyper edited media.

This also is connected to the compromised endocrine system as well and ties into the equation why abnormally low hormone levels are a chronic problem with today’s society. The author also makes a solid argument about how our brain functions are manipulated at the subconscious level and how it affects our ability to have compassion and empathy for others.

The exciting news is that these problems can be reversed. You will hear the evidence by listening to this interview.

- 43 minute audio


10) Live Coaching Session - Clayton Bretey

Clayton Bretey is age 51 and a husband and father of 5 children.   He begins the Whole Brain Power program for almost 2 months before he elects to receive personal coaching from Michael J.Lavery.  He seeks out this brain training program to address health issues that have become concerns for him.  Clayton has a certain level of success  by reading the Whole Brain Power book and doing the Whole Brain Power Workbook, however when he begins the intense training with Lavery he accelerates up the learning curve.

Listen to this interview and to the ways that coach Lavery brings his students along.  He gives Clayton the inside secrets to truly tap into Whole Brain Power.  The hammer drills become easier to do within a few days and the memory exercises help Clayton to experience better sleep patterns. 

One of the reasons that he is interested in doing the WBP program to begin with is to address sleep deprivation as well as overall fogginess in his thinking.  These problems begin to dissipate for Clayton as he stays with the tenets of the program, including the penmanship training, the hammer drills, the memory exercises and the ambidextrous motor skill training of playing racquetball. 

He even begins to throw a ball off the wall left handed too.  As he experiences the positive aspects of the active stress that Whole Brain Power creates he sets his goals on getting into greater physical shape as well.

Clayton begins to experience greater overall elevation of mood and more alertness and clarity in thinking.  He sends daily progress reports to brain consultant Lavery and by doing so helps to document and give testimony to others as to the effectiveness of receiving WBP coaching.

- Two part audio interview - Part One is 50 minutes and Part Two is 50 minutes


11) Live Coaching Session - John Collins: Shaking off The Mental Cobwebs

John Collins, age 44 located in Flatwoods Kentucky.  John decided to investigate Whole Brain Power Coaching, and the Whole Brain Power workbook, and this is his initial consultation with Coach Michael J. Lavery. John Collins has expressed his concerns about his condition of ADD. 

John has been on medication in the past for his problems of ADD, but wants to remain medication free and he has been for some time. John also reports interrupted sleep patterns.

Ten days after starting Whole Brain Power Coaching, John writes. . “I have noticed that my sleep is improving.  Honestly - this is no stretch - I've been sleeping in naps for the most part of the last two months.  Basically, I would get a few hours of sleep before getting the kids off to school, spend an hour trying to shake off the mental cobwebs, try to get something productive going before getting sleepy and having a 2 hour nap before picking up the kids, then I'd go about my day and crash at about 7 or 8pm and wake up about 2-3 hours later and stay up until the cycle started all over.  I have not been doing that the past few nights.

 John is a very intelligent man, and he has now decided to undergo Whole Brain Power Coaching. He’s reporting weight loss and he reports that his wife has noticed “a big difference in me this week. She said I am more focused and more productive.” In only 10 days John has improved his working memory, his hand to eye coordination with the hand-writing, with the hammer drill training, and the memory exercises as designed by Lavery and you’ll hear this interview of a man beginning his journey. Check back to hear future audio interviews as we document John’s Whole Brain Power Coaching transformation.

- 95 minute audio


12) Live Coaching Session - John Collins One Week Into Whole Brain Power

New Whole Brain Power student John Collins, age 42, testifies to the effectiveness of doing the tenets of the brain training program designed by Michael J. Lavery. John states with great enthusiasm as to how his life is transforming within a 10 day period.

John testifies to how he is now sleeping all the way through the night. He claims that he is waking up refreshed and ready to do his hammer drill training in the morning. He explains how he has lost weight and how his mood elevation is now something that his wife is noticing. In fact, John’s children are starting to do the rubber mallet training too. The honest way that John describes his enthusiasm about doing all of the methods of Whole Brain Power is quite genuine. It is his intention to become a WBP All Star and inspire other practitioners to take on the challenge and change their lives.

You will be inspired by the mechanics of how this eager man is being coached by Lavery. The manner that Michael Senoff moderates the interview adds a nice dimension to this training session. Senoff explains to John Collins exactly how his own journey is going with great success. You will hear how Whole Brain Power practitioners can help each other navigate the tenets of the program. This is one of the benefits that people can experience when listening to the coaching sessions that Lavery has with his students.

Lavery gives John Collins his assignments and reiterates to him that it is very important to read the Whole brain Power book to truly digest and assimilate this valuable material. Enjoy this interview session and get ready to begin your journey into the final frontier, the tapping into the potential and power of the human brain. This interview will leave you inspired and considering your own journey into the Whole Brain Power Coaching Program.

- 43 minute audio


13) Give This Man 30 Minutes Of Your Time And You’ll Have The Most Powerful Brain Around

If you’re like most people, you probably think a lot of your problems are just naturally occurring because you’re getting older.

Insomnia, tip of the tongue memory problems, foggy brain syndrome and concentration issues – they happen as we age, right? The truth is, they don’t have to.

According to the founder of Whole Brain Power Coaching, Michael J. Lavery, activating the right side of your brain will get your brain to think faster. It will give you clarity and focus, will help you quickly recover from injuries, give you more strength, improve your golf swing, help you remember names and where you put your car keys – and much, much more.

And in this audio interview, you’ll hear all about the amazing things that can happen, and the simple exercises that will get your there.

You’ll Also Learn . . .

• An almost unknown way you can use your hands to grow your brain

• The science behind the brain – what happens as we age and how Michael’s program works to counteract that

• The one brain trick you’ll want to teach your kids as soon as you’re done with this audio

• The real truth about Alzheimer’s – and the simple exercises that may help you prevent it

• Exactly what you need to know about “passive stress” – why it’s so critically important to balance it with “active stress,” and how to do that

• The little known way Home Depot can help you think faster

• The scary side of computer keyboards and using the word “okay” – Believe it or not, seemingly harmless things could be “dumbing down” your brain

• The surprising reason London Cabby Drivers have some of the strongest brains around, and how you can get one too

The brain is the final frontier that science is just starting to scratch the surface of. Its abilities can be amazing, and they don’t have to decrease with age. The fact is, you’ll never know what your brain is capable of until you let it show you. And in this audio, you’ll hear how to do that – in as little as 30 minutes per day.

- 65 minute audio



14) You With a Push Button Memory: An Interview With Legendary Memory Expert Harry Lorayne

Harry Lorayne

Yes! Here at last is your chance to gain the super-powered, file-cabinet memory you’ve always dreamed about…so easily and so quickly that you’ll be astounded…AND now you'll hear from Harry Lorayne, the legend.

Harry's memory courses and magic books landed him on The Tonight Show 23 times with Johnny Carson. He’s also been on To Tell The Truth, The Ed Sullivan Show and The Jack Paar Show, to name a few. He’s developed information products, starred in infomercials, had his own TV show, and, at age 85, admits he’s had a pretty good life.

And in this two-part audio, you’ll hear how he did it – how he went from being a Depression-era child with only a potato for dinner and a year of high school under his belt to a household name with famous friends and his choice of projects and engagements. But most importantly, you’ll hear how he took a simple “Aha!” moment – and turned it into an informational product empire – and how you can do that too.

Part One: There Is No Learning Without Memory

Harry’s biggest “Aha!” moment came when he was a kid. He wondered why he was failing the tests that his classmates were passing. When he realized they were able to remember the material better than him, he set out to improve his memory. This led to his life mission to help others improve their memories as well. And in Part One, you’ll hear how he turned it all into an informational product and how he sold it. You’ll also hear…

• How Harry negotiated his deals for his shows, the unbelievable things he used to do in them, and how much he got paid to do it

• Exactly what he learned the hard way about managers and contracts that he wishes he would have known back in the day

• All the details about how Harry met Eugene Schwartz – and the famous 3,000-word ad that changed Harry’s life

• The one simple trick you can start doing today that will quickly take your memory to “superpower” level

• The surprisingly innocent element the Wall St. Journal changed in one of Harry’s ads that sent his sales plummeting down… practically overnight

Part Two: The Secret To Being A Good How-To Writer

Harry has written more than 30 how-to books on magic and memory, and says the reason he’s such a good teacher is that he makes sure there’s no ambiguity in his writing. People don’t finish reading his books and question what he was talking about. And in Part Two, you’ll hear how to be that kind of a writer too along with…

• How to add value to a simple course – and more than quadruple your price point right away

• A real-life look at the ups and downs of the literary agent vs. self-publishing route, and what Harry recommends

• A quick “idiot’s guide” on winning at blackjack just by playing the averages – but be careful, Harry’s so good at it, 6 casinos won’t deal to him anymore

• All about how Harry got on Carson along with how he made money running infomercials – and all the ways he used that exposure to sell more products

Harry is an unforgettable legend. With more than 50 years of experience in the information-product and entertainment industry, he knows what sells and how to sell it. And in this audio, you’ll hear all about his amazing road to greatness that started with a simple “Aha!” moment, and how you can take that road to greatness too.

- 100 minute audio

15) Dean Brittenham World's Foremost Ambidexterity Trainer

Dean Brittenham is considered one of the foremost pioneers in the outside of the box training of the athletes. He has always emphasized flexibility, speed and ambidexterity training with more emphasis on functional strength.

Dean has always been a believer in the concept of being a Whole Brain thinker. The Whole Brain thinker according to Dean Brittenham dominates on any sporting arena. He mentions the likes of Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan, Peyton Manning, Drew Brees and Steve Nash as being Whole Brain thinkers as well as many other athletes that get in the “Zone.”

Lavery has had the good fortune of personally meeting Dean Brittenham and sharing concepts about ambidexterity and how to train athletes. Dean Brittenham’s concepts of juggling and multi-tasking the brain have been successfully used by some of the top athletes in the world including the Williams’ sisters and Jim Curran, who became number one in the world after using the methodologies that Brittenham taught to him.

Brittenham appreciates the information that Lavery has now been able to disseminate in this book Whole Brain Power and the Whole Brain Power workbook, and now Brittenham is using some of the concepts of the mirror image writing and the ambidexterity feats that Lavery also promotes such as the hammer drill training.

Dean Brittenham is a man that is ahead of the curve in terms of the fact that he has been into this concept of ambidextrous training for nearly forty years, and has worked with some of the best sports teams in the world including the New England Patriots, The US. Olympic Bobsled team, The Chicago Cubs, The Baltimore Orioles, Stanford University Women's Tennis, Notre Dame, University of Illinois and some fantastic baseball players that are currently major league stars. Have your speakers turned up and press the white play button below to start the interview.

- 47 minute audio

16) “I Felt Like I Could Run Forever”

Andreas first learned about Whole Brain Power Coaching after watching his brother Diego use it to beat his bouts of mild depression. Then he decided to take the program seriously when he had the chance to join a soccer academy after deciding he wanted to play professional soccer. Andreas knew he had to step up his game and give it his all. Now he’s improved his energy, muscle density, ball control, kicking style, and ambition.

Pretty much everyone at the soccer academy is noticing, but when a teacher saw Andreas in action, she ordered six copies of the Whole Brain Power Coaching program to introduce to students at the school. And when you hear this interview, you’ll understand why.

You’ll Also Hear... 

• A quick update on how Andrea's brother, Diego is doing – and how Whole Brain Power may be contributing to his college success
• How Andrea’s endurance and strength went up after only a few weeks. He said “ I felt like I could run forever”
• The one piece of advice Andreas says to keep in mind while you’re going through the humbling experience of the mysterious finger drills
• Andreas’s firsthand experience of how his confidence levels shot through the roof, and how long it took to feel the difference “realistic”) – and examples of how to do it
• Why Andreas decided to give up violent video games for good, and exactly how he’s doing it

Andreas is an articulate speaker, and you probably won’t be believe he’s only when you hear him in the interview, but that’s what practicing the tenets of Whole Brain Power Coaching can do for you. You can get to that place too, no matter how old you are. And in this audio you’ll hear how to get started.

- 18 minute audio

17. 45 Minute Recorded Coaching Session by Phone With Michael J. Lavery.

- 45  minute audio

18. 12 Months Access To the Whole Brain Power University

Starting today, you'll have a full 12 months access to all of these audio training sessions and all future audio training sessions in the Whole Brain Power University. You'll have thousands of dollars of personal coaching session by Michael J. Lavery to his students. You'll also get additional audio sessions and videos as well as other in depth interviews that will be added to the working content throughout the year.

These will soon be available to aid you in the understanding the Advanced Secrets of doing Whole Brain Power properly from day one.

There is nothing more to buy of any kind.

- 12 full months access


Yes! I Want In On Your Advances Secrets to Whole Brain Power Coaching!

  Links To Your "Advanced Secrets" to Whole Brain Power Interviews, Videos and Audio Lesson Series will be sent instantly after your order is placed.

Click the Yellow Buy Now Button Below

note: It may take a second or two for the order window to open up. Be patient

I Repeat -- $997 is all you pay. There is nothing more to buy and no monthly fees of any kind. 


As soon as we get your "Advanced Secrets" To Whole Brain Power order, we'll e-mail your link where you can access all the audio and videos.

One more thing. If you're on your cell phone or away from internet access and can't use PayPal now, you can text us (858-692-9461) your PayPal  e-mail address and a short note that you want the Advanced Secrets To Whole  Brain Power Coaching.

We'll then send you an e-mail back with a PayPal invoice and when you get back in front of your computer, you can pay.

For your own benefit, do it now. You're not getting any younger, and
time is slipping by quickly. 

If you have any questions at all, feel free to call Michael at 858-692-9461


Michael Senoff


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